Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) has extended the submission deadline for its 2024-25 Mentored Early Career Faculty Fellows Program to Dec. 1.
The Faculty Fellows program supports tenure line faculty at all Penn State campuses at the rank of assistant professor who are interested in expanding their research expertise in a new direction (e.g., novel methods, techniques, application to a new target population) and/or the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations. The aim should be to build sustainable research and secure external funding. Eligibility requirements and the application process are explained on the SSRI Faculty Fellows page.
Applications should first be submitted for approval to the applicant’s department head/program director. After approval, the department head should forward the application to the college dean or campus chancellor. A college dean or campus chancellor may submit up to two proposals each year to ssri-seed-grant@psu.edu.
The deadline for applications is Dec. 1. Successful applicants will be notified by Dec. 15.
SSRI provides research support for investigators from diverse fields within the social and behavioral sciences, research collaborations across disciplinary lines, across colleges and research centers, and across universities as well as the activities of multidisciplinary and translational research centers. For more information about SSRI funding or questions about the application process, please contact SSRI.