Leveraging the Potential of Climate-resilient Oil Nut Crops in Kenya: A Multidimensional Analysis of Cashew Nuts Value Chain
Project Team
Mare Sarr, Associate Professor, International Affairs and African Studies
Project Funding
SSRI Level 1
Project Description
Globally, the demand for cashew nuts has risen substantially over the past two decades. Africa has been a major supplier of raw cashew nuts in the global value chain, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the total growth in production. This collaborative project aims to explore how to leverage the potential of cashew nuts, a climate-resilient high-value oil nut crop, for improved income generation and job creations via profitable entrepreneurship, and for enhanced food security in Kenya's coastal region, which has seen the cashew industry stagnate and decline over the years. This multidisciplinary and multidimensional project aims to initiate a strong collaborative research effort between PSU researchers (from multiple colleges), Kenyan-based researchers, and stakeholders from Kenya's cashew industry (farmers, cashew processors, NGOs and government). It will serve as a steppingstone to build a broader and larger multidisciplinary grant proposal. This seed grant will help organize working meetings and scoping key informant interviews with local stakeholders to identify constraints and bottlenecks along the value chain, build relationships with private sector actors, write up a working paper, develop and submit a larger proposal for external sponsored funding.