No Laughing Matter: How Humorous Activism Boosts Climate Action Success
Project Team
Joseph Wright, Professor, Political Science
Project Funding
SSRI Level 2
Project Description
Attention to the benefits of nonviolent activism demonstrates that nonviolent campaigns are significantly more successful than violent ones. The relative success of nonviolent campaigns stems, in part, from the sympathy and positive emotional experiences these actions build with the public that, in turn, increases participants’ investment in the campaign and helps movements grow. Yet, climate action presents challenges to movement building and success because climate action is plagued by negative stereotypes that disincline the public from becoming active in the movement. This project examines three types of nonviolent climate action tactics: conventional, creative, and comedic dilemma actions. To assess how tactics influence perceptions among both group activists and the public, this team project experimentally tests how these three distinct tactics influence group members’ and citizens’ perceptions of the climate activist group.