Time | to 01:00 pm Add to Calendar 2023-03-13 12:00:00 2023-03-13 13:00:00 SSRI Open House - Foundation Relations The Living Center, 110 Henderson Building Population Research Institute America/New_York public |
Location | The Living Center, 110 Henderson Building |
Description |
Ready to learn more about the Russel Sage and William T. Grant Foundations and what makes a successful proposal? Interested in hearing about how these Foundations score and rank concept notes and what elements they look for when inviting a Concept Note to Full Proposal? Join the Office of Foundation Relations Staff and special guests:
Hear details about what each foundation seeks in effective proposals and how you can make your proposal stand out, and also learn about effective tools in which to design your research and what types of evidence both Foundations look for when determining who and how they will fund. Bring your questions!
Registration URL | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_0WmdrIjRqJlSjJpVYnZGEzacXoEhUTY7xnC… |
Event Type |