Please consider joining the Rapid Response Network for the Research-to-Policy Collaboration (RPC), which involves preparing and engaging researchers around policy efforts related to their expertise because doing so is thought to support policymakers' use of research evidence. We are identifying researchers, including those in applied settings, who have expertise and experience related to children and families, such as child maltreatment, substance use in families, human trafficking, and other issue areas. Ultimately, the RPC aims to facilitate collaborative relationships with policymakers around using research in ways that advance child and family well-being.
There are no costs associated with participation in the Rapid Response Network and you will receive updates regarding related policies and opportunities to share your expertise with policymakers. This network may also support scholarly networking, professional development (e.g., writing for non-academic audiences), and documentable scholarly impact. To learn more, please review our information for Participating Researchers. To join, please complete our member registration form, which asks about your areas of expertise so that we may minimize future communications to those that are relevant to you. Interested members can contact Taylor Scott with questions or for further information.