The SSRI Faculty Fellows Program is now open, with applications to be submitted for approval to department heads of each faculty member who is seeking a course release prior to the October 12 deadline.
The SSRI Faculty Fellows Program supports faculty at University Park and the College of Medicine members in the social and behavioral sciences to develop new interdisciplinary collaborations aimed at building a novel line of sustainable research through securing external funding. Fellowships for Commonwealth Campus Faculty are available through the Commonwealth Campuses Research Collaboration Development Program.
The fellows program provides release time for faculty members to acquire new knowledge and research methods from other disciplines to take their research in new directions.
Mentored Fellowships support an individual faculty member to work with a scholar from another discipline and gain new skills, whereas Collaborative Fellowships provide funding for a new team of faculty members to develop a novel, interdisciplinary research program.
To learn more, go to the SSRI Faculty Fellows Program page.